Ironically enough, it is the first of april today, but this post isn't an april fools. The topic is too serious to be part of a silly joke and things hurry so much and I don't want to lose another day waiting for the second of april.
So, what is it about?
RM wants to be fair: There have been too many abuses in the game, and some players were accused of abuse when they didn't do anything wrong. With this change, it will still be possible to use the transfer market to get rich, but you'll have to play by the rules.
So, basically, each player has a market value (the maximum price he can be sold for), based on his 11 best technical skills (note: This is a change from what was previously announced). The 2 technical skills with lowest value aren't used.
You can sell a player for this price, or lower if you think the calculated price is too high and won't be reached. Then, the usual bidding round happens until we reach the maximum price. Then, in a case where many buyers are still interested, They bid on the extra salary they will offer on top of his "regular salary".
Ex: A player has a 3 000 dollars salary, you offer 2 000 dollars more as "extra salary" and you get the player. You'll have to pay a salary of 5 000 dollars each week, until his next birthday. Let's say the salary is then updated to 4 000 dollars because he got trained. You'll have to pay 6 000 dollars a week after the update. If you sell him, his extra salary will disappear and will eventually be replaced by a new extra salary offered by his new owner.
Maybe you will get confused.. but you'll get used to it. It's not so complicated.
As a huge help, here is a page where you can predict the market value you'll get as your players get better or older. Use it as much as you want, try to find the best way to train your players to get more money, and what age is best to sell your specific player
Magic link: