Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Season 24 small changes

The season 23 is now over, and the demotions/promotions will happen, as usual, around saturday.

Here is some information that you may find useful:
- Real value: This value doesn't have any real and specific purpose. It just gives you a summary of the skills of your players with a single value. It's used to calculate the salary as well. So, the higher the real value is, the higher your salary will be when it gets updated.
- Market value: Will be the price you get for your player if you decide to sell him. You won't need to wonder "How much can I expect to get if I decide to sell my player?", as it will be explicitely displayed and you won't have the possibility to get more than this value.

- Refund for founders: Players from your academy will get a 3% refund on their salary as long as they play in your club. So, if you have 3 players from your academy that have a total wage of 10000 euros, you'll get 300 euros refunded each week. Note that this will occurs even if the player has been sold and bought again later.

- Line up
  • You'll get a warning if the hooker is higher than your highest prop.
  • You'll get a warning if one prop is more than 10 cms higher than your other prop.
  • You'll get a warning if one lock is more than 10 cms higher than your other lock.

These warnings won't have any effect at all for the season to come (season 24), but it will make your scrum less effective later on (season 25+). You'll get more information on this at the end of season 24, but you can already start thinking making your scrum "season 25+ ready".

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