From now on, stamina will be a skill with a specific behaviour (like experience does).
Short version:
- The more a player plays , the more he earns stamina.
- The less a player plays, the more his stamina drops.
Extended version:
Every night, a player looses 0.05 points in stamina (0.35 a week).
During the following 24 hours after he plays a game, he'll earn x points in stamina.
X=0.2 for a cup game
X=0.4 for a friendly
X=0.6 for a league game.
X=0 for a game with his national team, if part of the national team.
A little exemple to make sure everybody gets it:
First of january, a player has 6.0 points in stamina (exactly 2 blue squares). How many points will he have the 10th of january, if he played a friendly and a league game during this period.
There is 9 nights during this periods, so he'll loose 0.45 points.
He plays 2 games, so he'll get 1 points.
So, he'll have a stamina skill equal to 6.55 on the 10th of january.
This change is happening this week.
2 last notes:
- Academy players turning 17 will all start with 6.9 points (today, they start with 2).
- Stamina training is coming to disappear very shortly.
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